Thursday, 16 June 2011

Rise of the Virtual Client

Just published a thought starter on the theme of the VIRTUAL CLIENT - see page link on right

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Web Based Accounting

Not only are we having to cope with virtual/ghost telephones we also have to consider virtual accounting packages - or rather web based packages.

These packages such as Xero, KashFlow, FreeAgent are maintained and run from a web-based accounting service. So information can be added, changed and accessed from any laptop of PC anywhere in the world. All the data being held on a web based providers servers, somewhere in the world!

These do appear to present us with yet another new set of risks...

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Virtual Telephone Systems

The issue surrounding virtual telephone numbers (Ghost telephones) - ie being able to obtain a landline number on a mobile phone account - is continuing to raise concern in respect of invoice verification.

My only advice is:-

  •  to double check landland numbers with one of the directory operators (192 or 118118)
  • at audit always look at all mobile telephone bills and check for landline numbers.
  • Also telephone another office of the same company and asking to be transfered to the named contact/subsidary would also give a good indication that the number was genuine.

Any other bright ideas would be welcomed....

Monday, 14 February 2011

Software Update - TireMaster Software

Designed for vehicle tyre companies TireMaster software is a set of point-of-sale, inventory-management, and accounts-receivable tools. The full version of ASA TireMaster includes a general ledger, along with accounts-payable and customer-retention modules. TireMaster also is available as a Point-of-Sale option without general ledger, this option can be interfaced with QuickBooks to eliminate double accounting entries.

It is not brilliant with audit reporting needs - particaularly historic information - and data extraction facility is minimal.

Software Update - Job Logic

JobLogic is a modular software system designed to meet the requirements of any service based company with a mobile engineer workforce. The mobile field service software will manage the job process from reactive call logging and preventative maintenance scheduling through to completion and invoicing.

The core system can be expanded to include links to accounts software I have seen this linked very successully to SAGE 50 and 200. So the reporting is actually from Sage not Job Logic - although this will produce reports that can provide useful 'papertrail' back up.

Software Update - TAS Books

TAS books is just one programme from a whole suite of accounting programmes. The last verison I had hands-on  was TAS Books 2 - which provided all I needed in terms of reporting. I belive it to also capeable (at least in the more advanced verisons) to be able to supply more detailed and comprehensive reporting if needed.

Software Updates

As this is a new Blog I have only just started to scratch the surface in regard to the operational content of various accouting packages.

I would welcome - as I am sure all our collegues would - any/all feedback based on your actual hands-on experience of the various accounting packages available in the marketplace. In particular information on what you have managed to extract from these programmes, or what difficulties you have had with data extraction or what special reports you have had designed to assist the audit or operational control functions would be invaluable.